Much of this list was compiled by the Franklin Interfaith Council, an organization whose membership is composed of faith communities in the town of Franklin, Massachusetts. It addresses the various needs of its community by recognizing the power of faith as defined by the individual spiritual traditions.
Mental Health
INTERFACE Referral System
- William James INTERFACE provides all members of the Franklin Community with free and confidential mental health referrals. This service helps to facilitate connections to work through barriers to access mental health and wellness care for children, families, and adults. This free and confidential service is available to any Franklin resident.
- Helpline (Mon-Fri 9am-5pm): 888-244-6843 or 617-332-3666
Food Assistance
Neighbor Brigade
- Neighbor Brigade is a community-specific network of volunteers that can be mobilized to help residents facing sudden crisis manage day-to-day tasks such as meal preparation and basic household chores.
- Toll-Free Phone: 855-241-HELP(4357)
St. Vincent de Paul
- The Society of St. Vincent de Paul offers tangible assistance to those in need on a person-to-person basis. This aid may take the form of intervention, consultation, or often through direct dollar or in-kind service. An essential precept of the Society’s work is to provide help while conscientiously maintaining the confidentiality and dignity of those who are served. The Society recognizes that it must assume, also, a role of advocacy for those who are defenseless or voiceless. More than 5 million persons are helped annually by Vincentians in the United States.
- Phone: 508-918-2291
Friends of Franklin
- The Friends of Franklin have been hard at work for nearly 35 years supplying Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners to families in distress. Over 200 Franklin families currently receive holiday meals from the Friends.
- Phone: 508-528-5658
Franklin Food Pantry
Residents of Franklin who include working families trying to make ends meet, people experiencing a temporary job loss, individuals whose SNAP (food stamps) benefits are reduced, and seniors are encouraged to take advantage of:
- Walk-in Fridays where all clients are invited in for a full-shopping trip, no appointment necessary, to help ensure they have enough food to feed their families
- The Mobile Pantry which delivers food monthly to select neighborhoods where people have difficulty getting to the Pantry
- Weekend Backpack Program which provides weekend meals and snacks to children in need through a partnership with area schools
- Carts for Clients which provides free, portable shopping carts to clients who need a little extra help in transporting their groceries
- Cooking Matters classes that teach families how to shop smarter and cook delicious, affordable meals
- Healthy Futures Market that offers fresh fruits and vegetables which are not affordable for many families.
- Phone: 508-528-3115
Greater Attleboro Taunton Regional Transit Authority (GATRA)
- Contact: Chuck Curran, Kiessling Transit
- 800-698-7676
- Curb-to-curb transportation for passengers who meet Americans with Disabilities Act requirements and/or are age 60 and above
- Rides will go up to a 15-mile radius. Service is offered Monday through Friday from 6 am – 6:30 pm and Saturday from 9 am – 5 pm. Reservations are taken Monday-Friday from 8:30 am – 4:30 pm
- Franklin Area Fixed Bus Route
- Miles for Health/Dial-a-Ride
- GATRA’s Miles for Health program is shared long distance medical transportation serving seniors and people with disabilities in the towns of Franklin, Foxboro, Norfolk and Wrentham.
- Reservations are taken Monday through Friday from 8 am – 4 pm. 48 hours advanced notice is required
- Boston Schedule: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. Appointments must be made between the hours of 9 am and 1 pm
- All Other Trips: All other long distance medical trips, such as Burlington, Framingham, Newton-Wellesley and Worcester, will be scheduled for Wednesdays. Appointments must be made between the hours of 9 am and 1 pm
FISH of Franklin, Inc.
- 508-528-2121
- Rides for seniors to and from medical appointments
- Monday-Friday, 9 am – 5 pm. Franklin residents only. Reservations needed 3-5 days in advance. Donations accepted, however, the rider pays gas
Neighbor Brigade
- Neighbor Brigade is a community-specific network of volunteers that can be mobilized to help residents needing rides.
- Toll-Free Phone: 855-241-HELP(4357)
Fuel Assistance
Franklin Interfaith Council
- The Franklin Interfaith Council is an organization whose membership is composed of faith communities in the town of Franklin, Massachusetts. It addresses the various needs of its community by recognizing the power of faith as defined by the individual spiritual traditions.
- Raises funds annually to help families in need with home heating oil during the cold, Franklin winters. Homeowners and renters, including households whose cost of heat is included in the rent, are eligible.
Substance Abuse
S.A.F.E. Coalition (Support for Addicts and Families through Empowerment)
- 508-488-8105
Drop-In Centers
- Community Impact, 211 Main St., Milford, 5 – 9 pm; 1st & 3rd Thursdays
Learn to Cope
- First Universalist Society of Franklin, 262 Chestnut St., 508-738-5148/774-893-3878, Kathy Getchell
Community of Hope
- Milford Regional Medical Center, Hill Bldg, Woman’s Pavilion, 4th Floor, Katie Truitt, 774-248-4526, Wednesdays, 7:00 – 8:30 pm
Healing Hearts Community Support
- Franklin YMCA, 2nd Floor, 45 Forge Hill Rd., 508-570-6996, Thursdays, 7:00 – 8:30 pm
- Recovering Connections (Catholic Charities)
- 617-464-8569/617-268-9670
- Family Support
Massachusetts Organization for Addiction Recovery (MOAR)
- 877-423-6627
Moms Tell
- Substance abuse treatment, recovery, education & prevention
Broken No More
- Online forums, articles, and resources for those grieving substance deaths
Grief Recovery After Substance Passing (GRASP)
- Support to those grieving an overdose death
What’s Your Grief?
- Bereavement blog with articles related to substance-related losses
- Norcap Lodge offers inpatient and outpatient treatment for individuals with alcohol and/or substance addiction. The program includes drug detox, motivational group therapy, family support, recovery skills education, aftercare support and more. Norcap Lodge is located at 71 Walnut St., Foxboro, MA.
- 508-543-1873
- St. John’s Episcopal Church, 237 Pleasant St., Franklin, 7:30 pm; Open/Discussion meeting (meeting remotely)
- A Way of Life House, 176 Mechanic St. (Rt. 140), Bellingham, 10 am and 12 – 1:30 pm; Open/Discussion meeting
- Dean College, 99 Main St., Ray Bldg., Rm. 01, downstairs, Franklin, 7:30 pm; Open/Discussion meeting
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)
- Full listing of every AA meeting in Eastern Massachusetts
- St. John’s Episcopal Church, 237 Pleasant St., Franklin, Friday, 8:00 pm; Open/Discussion/Speaker meeting
- St. John’s Episcopal Church, 237 Pleasant St., Franklin, Saturday, 8:00 pm; Open meeting (meeting remotely)
- St. John’s Episcopal Church, 237 Pleasant St., Franklin, Thursday, 7:30 pm; Open/Big Book meeting
Franklin Senior Center
- Substance abuse treatment, recovery, education & prevention
Broken No More
- Online forums, articles, and resources for those grieving substance deaths
Grief Recovery After Substance Passing (GRASP)
- Support to those grieving an overdose death
What’s Your Grief?
- Bereavement blog with articles related to substance-related losses
- Norcap Lodge offers inpatient and outpatient treatment for individuals with alcohol and/or substance addiction. The program includes drug detox, motivational group therapy, family support, recovery skills education, aftercare support and more. Norcap Lodge is located at 71 Walnut St., Foxboro, MA.
- 508-543-1873
- St. John’s Episcopal Church, 237 Pleasant St., Franklin, 7:30 pm; Open/Discussion meeting (meeting remotely)
- A Way of Life House, 176 Mechanic St. (Rt. 140), Bellingham, 10 am and 12 – 1:30 pm; Open/Discussion meeting
- Dean College, 99 Main St., Ray Bldg., Rm. 01, downstairs, Franklin, 7:30 pm; Open/Discussion meeting
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)
- Full listing of every AA meeting in Eastern Massachusetts
- St. John’s Episcopal Church, 237 Pleasant St., Franklin, Friday, 8:00 pm; Open/Discussion/Speaker meeting
- St. John’s Episcopal Church, 237 Pleasant St., Franklin, Saturday, 8:00 pm; Open meeting (meeting remotely)
- St. John’s Episcopal Church, 237 Pleasant St., Franklin, Thursday, 7:30 pm; Open/Big Book meeting
Franklin Senior Center
10 Daniel McCahill St • Franklin • 508-520-4945
The mission of the Franklin Senior Center is to enhance the independence and quality of life for Franklin older adults by creating programs that meet their needs, offer the knowledge, tools and opportunities to promote their mental, social and physical well-being, advocate for relevant programs and services in the Franklin community, as well as serve as a community focal point for aging issues, and as liaison to local, state and federal resources for older adults and their families.
- Health & Wellness Program offers screening clinics, support groups, fitness classes and equipment, health education and evidence-based programs, and Home Safety Evaluations to help prevent falls.
- Nutrition Program is provided through the Common Grounds Café which offers delicious, affordable meals for older adults. We serve breakfast from 8:30 to 10:00 am and lunch at 11:30 am till 1:00 pm.
- Supportive Day Program, The Sunshine Club, offers a supervised, supportive and stimulating environment for frail elders, or those with mild to moderate dementia or cognitive decline. The program is offered Monday through Friday, 9:00 am to 3:00 pm; half days are also available.
- SHINE (Serving the Health Information Needs of Elders) Counselor assists with any health insurance issues or problems
- Information, referral, and assistance with accessing public benefits programs; i.e., fuel assistance, food stamps, Mass Health, Veterans programs, etc.
- Monthly Legal Clinics with an Elder Law Attorney, by appointment
- Support Services include: Barber, Hairdresser, Manicurist, and Choir Massage.
- Intergenerational & Volunteer Opportunities are available
- The Franklin Connection, our newsletter, pro- vides updates on new activities and events and useful information for older adults. Subscriptions are free!
- Telephone Reassurance & Friendly Visiting, a daily call or visit can be arranged
- Medical Equipment Loans are offered for free
- Tax Preparation Assistance is offered annually by trained preparers from AARP
- TRIAD is a collaboration of the Council on Aging and low enforcement which offers Files of Life to document one’s prescription drug history to assist Emergency Medical Personnel
- Handicapped Accessible Transportation is provided by GATRA, the Greater Attleboro Taunton Regional Transit Authority; call 800-698-7676
- Recreational Activities include: Crafts, Quilting, Sewing, Knitting, Cords and Games, Painting, Book Discussion Group, Current Events Discussion Group, Italian Conversation Group, Woodcarving, Movies, Trips, and more.
- Educational Classes include monthly health education classes, computer classes, driver safety classes, cooking classes, and more.
- Outdoor Activities include Bocce, Horse- shoes, Gardening, and a Walking Club.
- Socialization opportunities include our Café, monthly theme parties and annual events
Dementia Friendly Franklin
The Franklin Senior Center is committed to making Franklin a Dementia Friendly Community, where individuals living with dementia, and their care partners, can live as independently as possible, continue to be part of their communities by receiving support and understanding at local facilities such as churches, banks, shops, cafes and restaurants, and maintain their social networks.
The main goals of this program are to educate the community by increasing awareness and understanding of dementia type diseases, and to reduce social isolation by offering a Memory Café, a monthly social event for individuals living with dementia and their care partners so they can enjoy social interaction and engaging activities in a safe and welcoming environment.
For more information on how you can learn to make our community more dementia friendly, please contact Maggie Gundersen, at the Franklin Senior Center at (508) 520-4945.
Veterans’ Services
- The Department of Veterans’ Services offers assistance to any person who has served the country in the United States Armed Forces and who may be entitled to receive benefits from either local, state or federal agencies. The Department of Veterans’ Services is a state-mandated office that provides information and services to veterans, their spouses and dependents.
- 8:30 am – 4:00 pm, Monday through Friday, Appointments are recommended
- Veterans’ Services Officer: Dale Kurtz
- Phone: (508) 613-1315